Please note a Parent service must be completely setup. Set service allows to Multiple bookings, set the capacity for the service and duration.
Ensure Invisible online is selected as the parent service is not bookable.
Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '+' button to add new class. You can also follow this link on how to add a service.
How to create a sub-service
Sub-services allow you to share the schedule of any multiple booking services.
Sub-services can be used to set different prices for adults, kids, concessions or seniors or it can be used in conjunction with minimum number of participants to provide a discount for 2 or more people, such as a group discount to 5+ people.
Sub-services can also be used to create memberships or passes, allowing your customers to pick and choose which of your classes to partake in after an initial purchase.
Sub-services can be created from any parent service by selecting the drop-down menu on the
Services page.
Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '...' button (parent service) > Add sub-service.
All sub-services will share the same schedule as the parent/main service but no additional schedules can be created for the sub-service.
Multiple sub-services can be created to provide a range of pricing options.
Make sure to fill in the details of the newly created sub-service. As shown on the image below, a message will display on the left hand side of the screen if it is a sub-service and where it is based off.
The availability tab allows the sub-service to share all or some of the schedules assigned to the parent/main service. Each sub-service can only utilize the schedule created with the ability to activate or deactivate but no additional schedules can be created.
The example below shows the bold schedule is active and faded schedule is inactive.
You can click on the schedule to change status to either active or inactive and hit Save.
Sub-services are great for running promotions or specials to fill quiet times or to assist with client retention by offering a discount for a commitment to multiple sessions versus single visits. This goes the same for membership.
The sub-service start and end date can be set as normal to allow for limited time promotions to help drive a sense of urgency and the availability schedule can be used as a yield management tool to help increase participants on a particular day of the week if numbers are low to fill spots and increase your revenue.
Please make sure to hit Continue to save any changes.
Please make sure to assign the designated staff/resources under Staff & Resources tab.
Please make sure to hit Update to save any changes.
Please make sure to update (if necessary) settings on Booking Preferences tab.
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