The default data collected from your customers at the time of booking is their first name, last name, email address and mobile phone number. This data is collected and stored in your CRM for easy reference, reporting and marketing purposes.
Custom fields allow you to collect additional data such as dietary requirements, address, preferences or any other important including an entire registration or consent form if required. There are two ways on how to create custom fields. Please see screenshots below on how to add custom field.
Two ways on how to create custom fields
1. Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Custom Fields > press the '+' button Add New Field.
You will have an option to select if the custom field applies to All Services or Selected Services.
2. Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '...' button > Edit > Booking Preferences tab > click on Add New Field.
Please ensure that custom field under Booking Preferences tab is enabled when adding a custom field for a service as this option is disabled by default when creating a service.
Field Label - The title of a field such as a question or instruction.
Field Types:
Text - Allow your customers to provide their own answer.
List - Allow your customers select an answer from a list of you created.
Checkbox - Allow your customers to tick a box (eg. terms & conditions article)
Multi-line Text - Allow your customers to provide an extended answer.
Inline Text - Can be used a sub-heading for a number of fields or to convey extra information to the customer prior to completing the booking process (200 character limit).
CRM > Birthday - obtain your customer's D.O.B. to be saved in their CRM profile.
CRM > Address - obtain your customer's address to be saved in their CRM profile.
Mandatory - Select Yes if it is a must for your customers to complete this field before proceeding with the booking.
In CRM - If selected, the custom field will also show in the CRM against the relevant customer record.
Customizing the booking process to obtain additional information from your customers can be achieved by adding custom fields to your booking form.
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