How to add new session?

How to add new session?

Creating a service that allows for multiple sessions allows customers to purchase two or more visits upfront to be booked either all at once or over a period of time, as required. The number of sessions included can be a defined value or unlimited, and the expiry date for redemption can be set to X days/weeks/years.

Here's how you can add new session:

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Calendar > search for customer's booking on the search box located on the top-right of the screen > click the booking. You can also view this article on how to search for customer's booking.
Typing in the first 3 letters or characters in search box will provide you all possible matches and results will narrow down to more accurate matches if you enter more letters or characters. You can click on the best result to view the details of the booking.

Click Session tab > Click "+ New session"

Please note: If first session has been booked, neither customer or merchant won't be able to book the next session on an earlier date. Cancelling the first session/any session booked will not cancel the whole purchased.

Yes, you can add session for your customer. However, this is not recommended since booking tool should help you lessen this process. It is suggested you let your customer know that in order for them to save their spot they need to book ahead of time and enforce them that booking is essential. This will allow you to eliminate the manual process on your end and do their part as a customer by going to the confirmation email > Click the link "Manage booking" > Click "+ New session"

Related article:

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