How to disable customer reviews
Feedback isn't always needed for businesses. This is why it can be disabled if necessary.
There are two ways to disable customer feedback email:
For all customers
Using the left navigation menu, go to Setup > Notifications > Customer Notifications tab > untick the checkbox on "Send customer feedback email" > click on Update to save the changes.
For specific customers
Feedback emails will be sent with each booking but only until the customer leaves their feedback for a specific service (one feedback per customer per service).
No feedback email will be sent if a booking has been cancelled or if a customer has been flagged as a “no show” or hasn’t been checked-in (when you service is set up to require check-in).
If you wish for an otherwise eligible customer to no longer be sent any feedback requests, go to CRM > Customers > search for customer's name > press the '...' button > Edit > Details tab > tick the box beside Don't send feedback emails > click on Update to save the changes.
This checkbox setting will not prevent you for being able to manually resend the feedback for such a customer (using the Diary booking ticket's "Resend feedback" function").
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