How to prevent bookings for days that you are closed

How to prevent bookings for days that you are closed

If your business closes for holidays or you need to close during your normal business hours, you can block out the entire day(s) to prevent online bookings during these periods. You can also prevent bookings for an individual staff member if they are on holiday or unable to attend work.

Use the Block-out feature located in your Calendar as shown below and then select the day(s) that you would like to block out.

To blockout the location/entire business:

Ensure you have selected All Staff/All Resources > click Blockout > Select the day(s) you want to prevent online bookings.

Select the date/dates that needs to be blocked then hit Update.

To unblocked dates, simply deselect the dates that has been blocked out. then hit Update.

To blockout an individual staff member or resource:

Select the individual staff member or resource > click 'Blockout' 

Select the date/dates that needs to be blocked then hit Update.

To unblocked dates, simply deselect the dates that has been blocked out then hit Update.

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