How to set up resources

How to set up resources

Resources are the critical elements required to provide a service.

These are typically shared between different staff members or sessions and thus need to be considered for capacity planning.

Steps on how to add resource/s:

  1. ) Log in to you nabooki account at
  2. ) Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Resource
  3. ) Click on  "+" sign button  to add resource.
  4. ) Type in the service name and/or add description >  Continue.
  5. ) You will have two options to choose from  Specific hours  or  Standard business hours.

Manage Capacity - for private bookings, this will allow you to control the number of people you can accommodate in one resource (eg. car, boat, table, room).

By ticking on the Specific hours  you have the ability to set each of your staff/resources a specific schedule and time off while  Standard business hours  will apply the business hours you set on your Location section.

Example of resources are listed below;

Nature of the business



Massage Room 


Treatment Room 

Yoga class 




While setting schedules, the system checks for availability of both staff and resources you set.

It is also important to set up a resource if it is shared between multiple services to prevent the resource from being double booked.

For example , if you conduct Yoga classes in the same studio, you should set up the studio as a resource to avoid overbooking of the space. 

You can also leave this blank or delete all the default Staff or resources added if not necessary. Just make sure to at least add 1 resource/staff to avoid getting an error whichever is applicable to use. 
You can also manage capacity by ticking the box below the description box per resource.

For example, Yoga Class consist of Min 10 and a Max of 20 per class setting this up will prevent getting too many bookings per class and will stop accepting booking once reached the max number of a person in the class. 

You can also turn off the specific resource by ticking the checkbox 'This resource is not active for online bookings' so it won't be available for online bookings. 
If multiple services are assigned to one staff/resource and cannot be shared if one service is already booked, you can change the settings of each service to restrict the service from being bookable to other overlapping schedule.

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '...' button > Edit > Booking Preferences tab > Limit availability for overlapping schedules: 'Yes'

Related article:

Contact Support

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To create a support ticket, click here.
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