How to use the multiple sessions feature

How to use the multiple sessions feature

Creating a service that allows for multiple sessions allows customers to purchase two or more visits upfront to be booked either all at once or over a period of time, as required. The number of sessions included can be a defined value or unlimited, and the expiry date for redemption can be set to X days/weeks/years.

Sessions for Single Booking services

Sessions are a great way to retain customers by enticing them with multiple visits for a discount. Sessions can be used to offer a free visit, such as buy 5 get one free or a discount on the regular price if 5 or 10 sessions are purchased in advance.

Sessions can also be used if the service requires a follow-up session within a certain time frame such as a treatment that requires a second visit.

How to create a multiple sessions service

The General settings tab of a service setup contains the option to select Multiple Sessions. You can define the number of sessions included in the service and the expiry period from first booking.

Using the left navigation menu, go to Inventory Services > press the '•••' button > Edit > General tab > View advanced settings > Multiple sessions

InfoMultiple sessions - allow multiple sessions to be booked over a number of days/times. For example, your price is a package of 10 classes/visits or your price allows unlimited bookings valid for a set period of time.

Please note: The price of the service is the total price your customer will pay. Therefore if you are offering 5 sessions at $20 each, the price needs to be $100.

The customer redemption process:

Your customers will complete the purchasing process as normal, however, when they are selecting the date & time they will be given the option to complete the booking and proceed to checkout or add another session. After the initial booking process is complete, if there are additional sessions remaining the customer will have the ability to book these sessions at any time via the link provided in the automated email confirmation.

Please note: If first session has been booked, neither customer or merchant won't be able to book the next session on an earlier date. Cancelling the first session/any session booked will not cancel the whole purchased.

Sessions for Multiple Booking services

Sessions for stand-alone multiple booking services can be set up in the same way as single booking services above, however, as multiple bookings require a schedule you also have the ability to add sub-services to the same schedule to allow for even more booking options.

What does a sub-service allow you to do?

Example: You operate yoga classes that run for 10 weeks during each school term and your primary goal is to sell the entire term upfront. You create the main service, set the capacity and assign the number of sessions.

Creating a sub-service now allows you to add additional customers to any remaining spots for each class in order to fill your capacity. One way could be in the form of a 5 class pass option for those not able to commit to the full term or by creating casual passes for those wanting to try it out first or unable to commit for longer periods of time.

How to create a sub-service

Sub-services can be created from any scheduled service by selecting the drop-down menu on the 'Services' page. All sub-services will share the same schedule as the parent/main service but no additional schedules can be created for the sub-service.

Sub-service availability schedule

Sub-services are great for running promotions or specials to fill quiet times or to assist with client retention by offering a discount for a commitment to more sessions versus single visits.

The sub-service start and end date can be defined as normal to allow for limited-time promotions to help drive a sense of urgency.

The availability tab allows the sub-service to share all or some of the schedules assigned to the parent service but no additional schedules can be created. If the parent service has multiple schedules, the schedules not required can be deselected to allow for mid-week or daily specials. This is especially useful if the number of participants is low on a particular day of the week and you're looking at ways to fill spots and increase your revenue.

The example below shows the bold schedule is active and the faded schedule is inactive. 

You can click on the schedule to change the status to either active or inactive and hit Save.

Need Help?

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