Overlapping schedules

Overlapping schedules

It may be necessary for some businesses to assign the same staff or resources on overlapping schedules but unable to provide multiple services at the same time.

Limit availability for overlapping schedules feature will help business to manage staff or resources more efficiently, and ensure that each customer is given the best possible service. Enabling this feature means that when booking is received for one schedule, other overlapping schedules will automatically close and show as unavailable on the booking tool.

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '...' button > Edit > Booking Preferences tab > tick "Yes" for Limit availability for overlapping schedules

Please be aware that limited availability services must have this function enabled.

Other overlapping schedules will automatically close and display as unavailable on the booking tool when a booking is received for one of them.

On your Calendar, the overlapping schedule will show as "Closed".

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