Promo codes

Promo codes

Please note: Online payments must be enabled in order to use Promo Codes. Please visit this link to find out more on how to accept online payment for a service.
Promo codes are unique codes that are provided to customers as a buying incentive and lower the cost of a purchase. Promo codes are a powerful tool that businesses may use to draw clients and encourage repeat business. 

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Promo Codes > Add new promo code.

There are 2 ways you can generate a code:

1. Generate random code - generate a unique code by clicking 'Generate random code' located at the header of Code field.

2. Create a customised code - create an alphanumeric code. e.g. CODE123, BACK2SCHOOL, SUMMERDEAL22.

The promotional code can have a specified expiration date.

These promo codes can be set as percentage or dollar-off discounts.

You can accept multiple bookings using the same promotional code by setting the maximum number of bookings permitted.

You can decide whether this promotion code will be valid for all services or selected ones.

The promo code field will be displayed on the checkout page, and the customer will need to enter the promo code and hit 'Apply'. If the code is valid, the discount will be automatically applied to the total price.

InfoPlease note: The promo code field will only display on the checkout page if you have enabled online payments for each service. Please visit this link to find out more on how to accept online payment for a service.

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To create a support ticket, click here.
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