The Off Season Accommodation - What you need to know

The Off Season Accommodation - What you need to know

How to log into your account

To login into your account please click here. It is advised that you save this link within your bookmarks.
If you have forgotten your password, please click "Forgot your password?". 

How to block out certain days

For days you are closed or fully booked, you can use the location blockout function to prevent further bookings for the date(s) selected.

Public Holidays (Including Good Friday, etc) - If you are not open during the holiday period YOU ARE required to block out those dates to prevent bookings.

On the left-hand side expand the menu (if not already done so) by clicking on the top left menu icon.
From the left navigation menu go to "Setup" > "Locations" > "Edit" > "Hours" tab > "Blockout" on the bottom. 

Select the days you wish to block out and click "Update".

If you intend to prevent bookings for only one of your rooms, you can utilise the close event function. 
Go to "Calendar" from the left navigation menu > Select the date > Select the room type under 'Staff & Resources' > Navigate to the date  > Click "Close this event"

How to adjust your booking capacity/availability

To adjust your available booking capacity go to Calendar > select the date and the room that you want to adjust the capacity for to open the event window and select 'Edit capacities'.

Multiple Night Stays: Please note you will be required to adjust your available capacity for each consecutive night when accepting multiple night bookings. The service must be set to 'booking requests' if multiple night stays are allowed. 

How to add a booking over the phone or change an existing booking

Go to the "Calendar" and navigate to the relevant date and select the schedule associated with the room required and select 'add new booking' in the lower right corner. The first name, last name, email address and mobile number are compulsory fields. This information is required before the 'Add Booking' button will activate. 

How to search for a customer

Go to "Calendar" and on the top right is a search box where you can search by name, mobile or booking ID.

How to change a booking

Once you have found the customer (refer to above), select the 'Change Booking' button located in the lower right corner of the window and then select the new date required. It is recommended that you send a notification to the customer via email and SMS.

Update your business profile and images

You can update your 'about us' section and images via The Off Season Accommodation section under Online Bookings. Please note when uploading images (lower section) image sizes should be under 1MB in size, to reduce the image size you can utilise a tool such as

For all other enquiries

​Please contact our dedicated support team for The Off Season Campaign via 03 7037 2222 or by emailing

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