What are online, physical, and mobile locations?

What are online, physical, and mobile locations?

Online, physical and mobile location types vary how the service details are displayed within the customer confirmation email and within the diary. 

If you provide a service which requires you to travel to different locations, you can click the Mobile Location option when creating a service.

When Mobile Location is selected, your business address details will not be included in the service notifications that your customer receives.
This feature is useful if the service you are providing requires you to visit the customer at their place of residence or work for example.

Please see 
how to add custom fields to collect more information from your customers at the time of booking.

If you provide a service which is conducted online such as Zoom, Skype or phone call, you can click on Online for location type in setting up a serviceWhile Physical location type is for a service that is conducted at the business location.

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