Enabling online payments for your services ensures a seamless booking experience for your customers.
1️⃣ Log into your Nabooki account.
2️⃣ Click on Inventory from the left-hand menu.
3️⃣ Select Services to view your list of services.
4️⃣ Locate the service for which you want to enable payments.
5️⃣ Click the ‘•••’ button next to the service and select Edit.
1️⃣ In the service settings, navigate to the Booking Preferences tab.
2️⃣ Locate the Payment Settings section and select Yes for "Accept online payments for this service".
3️⃣ In the Type of Payment dropdown, choose from the following options:
After a partial payment, you can request the remaining balance by sending a payment link to the customer. To do this:
For detailed instructions, refer to Request online payment
If you need assistance, contact our support team:
💬 Live Chat: Click the chat icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
📧 Email: support@nabooki.com