Request online payment

Request online payment

For bookings manually entered into the Calendar or if the customer made a partial payment at the time of booking, you be able to request an online payment before the booking commences to confirm/finalise the booking.

Using the left navigation menu, go to Calendar > search booking by name, mobile or booking ID. On the booking ticket, click View invoice.

Please note: If you have not configured invoices for your account, please view this help article first.

There are two ways to request an online payment:

1. Request online payment - send the customer an email asking them to pay online. On the default email is a link to a payment page. As an alternative, you can copy the payment link and email it separately to the customer.
2. Process payment - get in contact with your customer and process the payment on their behalf.

Please note: A payment gateway must be enabled on your account before you may process or request an online payment.

Contact Support

Need assistance? Our dedicated support staff are here to help you. 

To create a support ticket, click here.
Live chat: Start a live chat with our customer support team by clicking on the '?' button in the lower right corner. 

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