How to Integrate eWay as Your Payment Gateway

How to Integrate eWay as Your Payment Gateway

Integrating eWay with Nabooki enables you to securely accept online payments from your customers during the booking process.

Follow the steps below to connect eWay to your Nabooki account and activate online payments for your services.

Step 1: Ensure You Have an Active eWay Account

Before you begin, you must have an active eWay account. If you don’t have one yet, you can sign up for eWay here.

Step 2: Locate Your eWay API Credentials

To connect Nabooki to your eWay account, you will need to obtain your API Key and Password from your eWay account.

1️⃣ Log in to your eWay MYeWAY dashboard.
2️⃣ Click on My Account in the top navigation menu.
3️⃣ Select API Key from the menu.
4️⃣ To obtain the Rapid API password, click Generate Password.
Copy your API Key and Password (you will need these in step 4).
Be aware that the new password can only be viewed while you remain on the API Key page, and will be masked when returning to the page later.



InfoGenerating the password will override the existing password, this means any systems using the existing password will stop working.
Due to this, it is recommended you check any website settings or speak with your developer before generating a new password.
See this guide for steps on how to create a second API Key.

Step 3: Locate the Client Side Encryption Key

1️⃣ Navigate the My Account tab located at the top of the page, then click Client Side Encryption.
2️⃣ Click Generate New Key. This will generate your client side encryption key.
3️⃣ Copy the Encryption Key 
(you will need these in the next step).

User-added image
User-added image

Step 4: Add Your API Credentials in Nabooki

Now that you have your eWay API details, follow these steps to connect it with Nabooki:

1️⃣ Log in to your Nabooki account.
2️⃣ Click Online Payments from the left-hand menu and select eWay as your payment gateway.
3️⃣ Enable the eWay integration in the top right corner.
4️⃣ Select Live from the Environment dropdown. 
5️⃣ Select the Accepted cards.
6️⃣ Select your Gateway country.
7️⃣ Populate the following input fields with the values from your eWay account.
🔹eWay API password
🔹eWay API username
🔹eWAY encryption key
8️⃣ Click 
Update to save.

✅ eWay is now successfully integrated with Nabooki!

Step 4: Activate Online Payments for Your Services

After integrating eWay, you need to activate online payments for each service to start accepting payments

1️⃣ Navigate to Inventory > Services.
2️⃣ Locate the service you wish to modify and click the ‘•••’ button, then select Edit.
3️⃣ Select the Booking Preferences tab and navigate to the Payment Settings section.
4️⃣ Under Require Online Paymentchoose one of the following options:
  1. Full Prepayment: Customers must pay the total amount at the time of booking.
  2. Partial PrepaymentCustomers are required to pay a deposit upfront, with the remaining balance due later.
5️⃣ If Partial Prepayment is selected, specify the deposit amount by choosing one of the following:
  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 50%
6️⃣ Click Update to save your changes.
🔁 Repeat these steps for each service or promotion you want to accept payments for.

InfoFor detailed instructions, refer to the article on How to Activate Online Payments for Your Services.

Step 5: Test Your Integration

Before going live, test the integration by making a low-cost booking as a customer. To save on fees, you can temporarily reduce the cost of the service.

Ensure that payments are processed correctly and funds are deposited into your eWay account.

Troubleshooting & FAQs

My eWay payment gateway is not working. What should I do?
  • Double-check that you entered the correct API Key and Password in Nabooki.
  • Confirm that your eWay account is active and approved for transactions.
  • Ensure your Nabooki Online Payments settings have eWay enabled.
  • If you still have issues, contact eWay support or Nabooki support for assistance.
  • Are there any additional fees for using eWay?ditional fees for using eWay?
    Nabooki does not charge additional transaction fees, but eWay applies standard processing fees.
    Check eWay’s pricing page for more details.
    Can I process refunds through Nabooki?
    Yes, you can process refunds directly through Nabooki.
    Refer to our guide on 
    How to Process Refunds for step-by-step instructions.
    Can I use eWay for recurring payments?
    Nabooki does not support recurring payments via eWay at this time.
    Customers will need to make manual payments for each booking..
    How long does it take to receive funds from eWay?
    eWay deposits funds into your bank account within 1-3 business days, depending on your banking provider.

    Need Help?

    If you need assistance, contact our support team:
    Live Chat: Click the chat icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

    For additional information, you can also refer to eWay's official support guide.

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