How to manually add a booking

How to manually add a booking

Different ways to manually add a booking to your Calendar

1. Adding a booking using 'Add new booking' (+) button in Calendar

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Calendar > c
lick on the '+' button to use the booking tool to add a booking. 

2. Adding a booking to an unscheduled time-slot

When adding a booking to an unscheduled time-slot using the Calendar, you will be presented with additional options. This option is best for returning customers as you can retrieve customer details from your CRM (Customer Relation Management) allowing you to quickly add a booking.

Using the left navigation menu, go to > 
Calendar > click on the preferred time > the Booking tab is the default option and you must ensure that either a Staff and/or Resource is selected from the top first and then select the Service from below the customer's details.

The system will search your customer database after matching 3 or more letters in the contact fields.

Use the Check availability button to ensure there are no booking conflicts before adding the booking.

3. Adding a booking to a scheduled session

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Calendar > click on the scheduled session > Add booking button > fill in the required fields.

All bookings are instantly added to the calendar; therefore there is no chance of a double booking.

If your service required prepayment, you are required to make a payment online.

Using the '+' button is the quickest and easiest way to add a booking.

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