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How to set up resources
Resources are the critical elements required to provide a service. These are typically shared between different staff members or sessions and thus need to be considered for capacity planning. Steps on how to add resource/s: ) Log in to you nabooki ...
How to set up taxes
Please note: Account set up must be complete before setting up taxes. Setting up taxes is useful when wanting to utilise nabooki's inbuilt invoicing feature and for setting up taxes that may be required for specific services. 1.) Using the left ...
How to set up Google Calendar
Nabooki allows for two-way sync with Google Calendar so you can continue to manage your business while away from the office. Once activated, all bookings in your Nabooki Calendar will be displayed in your Google Calendar and updated in real-time. Any ...
How can my staff be notified of bookings directly?
You can define both business and staff email notifications in the Notifications section of Setup. New booking notifications can be sent to Business email, Staff email or Both. Your business email is generally your main business contact email address ...
How to provide staff with their own login credentials
Nabooki allows you to create multiple users on the reservation system with four different levels of access; Manager, Manager-demo, Super Staff and Staff. This is useful to restrict users to only view information on the system that is relevant to ...