How to set up staff

How to set up staff

Setting up staff is a crucial aspect of operating the booking system. Adding staff will enable these members to receive online bookings and you will be able to manage staff capacity efficiently by having visibility to their bookings. Adding an email will let your staff be notified whenever someone books in on their assigned service. You can provide a brief description and/or photo to assist your customer's preference when selecting a specific staff member if the service warrants that. You can also add and assign staff to not receive online bookings by ticking the checkbox below the description box.

Steps on how to add staff/s:

  1. Log in to you nabooki account at
  2. Click Setup > Staff.
  3. Click on the + sign button to add a staff member.

  4. Type in the staff name, email, mobile number, assign location and/or add description > Continue.

    Note: Selecting "This staff member does not accept online bookings" - the system will not assign any online bookings to the staff.

  5. You will have two options to choose from Specific hours or Standard business hours > Finish.

    Specific hours: 
    It will ask you to manually set the weekly schedule from Monday to Sunday
    Standard Business hours: 
    Staff will follow the location hours set in the account

    Blockout: This button will allow you to close the availability of the staff on a specific date(s). It is also similar to block out an individual staff member or resource via the calendar.

    Fine-tune hours for specific dates: It will allow you to override the hours set in the account if a staff member has a flexible time working for a specific date(s). Fine-tune can be done via calendar as well, click here view fine-tune via calendar.

Contact Support 

Need assistance? Our dedicated support staff are here to help you. 

To create a support ticket, click here.
Live chat: Start a live chat with our customer support team by clicking on the '?' button in the lower right corner. 

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