How to use block-out to restrict service availability

How to use block-out to restrict service availability

Please note: Set up must be complete and the service that has options to be blocked-out applied must already be set up.

When you create a Single booking service, you can allow bookings to be made during any available hours, however, there may be times that you want to prevent bookings to be made. Block-out is useful for businesses that have service options that have different availability times.

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Services > press the '...' button > Edit > Availability tab

Adding blocks will prevent bookings for specified time periods. For example, If you only wish to accept online bookings for this service in the morning, just block out the afternoon. To add the block, simply click on the time-slot and drag down for the required length of time.

To block the whole day, click All day button.

Booking Resolution - specify the bookable timeslot frequency, ranging from 15 minutes interval to 6 hours. If you only allow bookings on the hour as an example, set the resolution to 1 hour.

Starting time (optional) - this feature can be used in conjunction with booking resolution and should be set to the first bookable timeslot.

If your service allows Multiple bookings, schedules are added manually (eg. class, workshop, group sessions) therefore, preventing bookings for this type of service is different. You can check this related link on how to prevent bookings for a class or group sessions.

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