Notifications for new bookings

Notifications for new bookings

Notifications of new bookings created can be modified to cater to your business needs. You can define both the business and staff email notifications and add a secondary email address. Additionally, other options are available.

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Setup > Notifications

Business Notifications - notifications received by the merchant.
Customer Notifications - notifications sent to customers.

New bookings will also be displayed at the top right of the screen beside the account profile, as shown below.

Hot Tip: Create a filter in your email client to automatically send booking confirmations to a dedicated folder for quick reference and add to your safe-senders list.

Contact Support 

Need assistance? Our dedicated support staff are here to help you. 

To create a support ticket, click here.
Live chat: Start a live chat with our customer support team by clicking on the '?' button in the lower right corner. 

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