How to use session check-in feature?

How to use session check-in feature?

Please note: Setup must be complete and the service must be configured to have check-in required.

The check-in feature is the ability to deduct customers active session if they didn't book and show up.

You may use the check-in feature for the future/past class for the students who haven't made a booking but will attend/attended the class. Only active pass holder customers will appear in the list. 

Using the left navigation menu, go to > Calendar > click the booking schedule > click Check-in and see the student list.

This is not recommended since the booking tool should help you lessen this process. It is suggested you let your student know that in order for them to save their spot they need to book ahead of time and enforce them that booking is essential. This will allow you to eliminate the manual process on your end and do their part as a customer by going to confirmation email > Click the link "Manage booking" > Click "+ New session"

Check-in customers via QR code scanning

It is possible to scan a QR code upon arrival to check-in/validate a customer's bookings using a camera-enabled deviced.
For more information go to

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